The BBC Trust has today been urged to recognise different regions of
Scotland through it’s TV news broadcasts.
Aberdeen North MSP Brian Adam has called on the BBC to increase their
volume and quality of localised news content. The call comes at the
same time as the BBC is carrying out a consultation on BBC Alba, and
STV looks to re-evaluate content.
Urging the BBC to make Scotland local the SNP MSP has written to the
BBC Trust suggesting they consider regional opt outs from Reporting
Scotland or as part of a wider news programme within Scotland.
Mr Adam said:
“As far as the BBC is concerned Scotland is all one region. The
result is that those of us living in the North or the Highlands see
very little of our local news on the TV.
“While BBC Radio produces local opt outs and STV broadcasts news for
the North, the West and the East of Scotland, much of the BBC TV
content is focussed on the central belt.
"The current arrangement that we get for news from the major
broadcasters in Scotland simply isn't satisfactory. The BBC have a
duty towards license payers across this country, and they simply
aren't doing them justice."
"Recent reviews within the BBC agree with this and so I'm calling on
them to re-evaluate their news content north of the border. Currently
STV have regional opt-outs, and I see no reason why we couldn't have a
similar set up on the BBC."
“A Scottish digital channel offers the opportunity to expand local
news but why wait?
"Both STV and the BBC have the facilities in Aberdeen, in Dundee, in
Inverness and I'm sure that people in the North East and Highlands
would welcome more local reporting, as would others across the