as freesat boxes are in great demand.
We would like to point out that the Humax freesat box has NOT, repeat NOT been recalled.
Rumours abound because the retailers have again run short in some areas so please do not believe the malicious rumours, obviously spread about by those in envy of the Humax Foxsat demand in the high street and on the Internet.
The Humax is a top quality freesat set top box, which if you buy it will not regret it. Anyone buying ANY freesat box should be under no illusion that all boxes have underwent rigourous testing to make sure they met the standards requested by the BBC and ITV and all the rest of the shareholders.
All freesat boxes are top quality and it will be up to the individual taste which box will be bought for the individuals sitting room and it's also worth remembering with these freesat set top boxes ALL have "Set it and Forget it", features.
Is it news to you ? then you read it here first!
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