FREESAT SLINGBOX POSSIBLE CONNECTORS are thin on the ground unless you are very determined and either make up the cabling yourself or get an enterprising electrical shop wizard to make cabling up for you.
The Slingbox in it's various forms have attempted to somewhat fill the gap to connect all things video and audio.
At first glance at the graphics you really could'nt be faulted for thinking buyers in the U.K. are not getting what their American buyers of the Slingbox are getting, that is until you have a second look at the connections and you will in fact realise that the U.S. equivilant is getting a Slingbox which can connect and control three video sources.
You can click on the graphic to enlarge it.
The U.K. market are getting a Slingbox which can connect and control four video sources. So who is getting the best deal?
We reckon the U.K. are getting a better deal with the extra video control capability and the Slingbox dongle which comes with the Slingbox, and if the dongle connection is a true HD(there seems to be some confussion about this?) connection it opens all sorts of cans and worms.
While there is still a smouldering from some modern TV owners who do not have an HDMI socket or two the Slingbox and the Slingbox dongle this could possibly allow them complete integration with their freesat boxes.
The bottom graphic is another clever little box from the same camp which is called the SlingCatcher and rather than describe this also you can read the full story...
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