FREESAT HUMAX FOXSAT HDR - I WANT ONE? and where and when can we get one is what we are being inundated with.
Humax Foxsat HDR is like some of the other freesat equipment, ie; very, very slow to get to the consumer.
We can advise buyers that any of the freesat equipment is worth having as once bought and set up there is no monthly subscription fees.
This year has shown a great drive by manufacturers of popular equipment to make the market for themselves BEFORE the item is actually on the shelves, for example ; Ninetendo DS, Wii, etc... we hope the freesat equipment can be left out of this listing.
The promise of equipment being plentiful in the stores BEFORE Christmas has still to be seen and the way the official freesat dealers are selling the freesat items can only be described as; grossly underestimated by experienced store retail buyers.
The good thing about the wait for freesat equipment means the home user will get a good piece of electrical equipment which should last for a few years which is what we all want.
For those still undecided about what bit of equipment to buy, we suggest you the buyer looks at the equipment in store and decides which is best for them. To buy an HD freesat receiver if you still have the old type non HD T.V. would be a waste of money unless you intend buying very soon an HD T.V. so a basic SD freesat box will give you the same free channels at a fraction of the cost.
Freesat SD boxes are; Bush BFsat, Goodmans GFsat, Grundig Gufsat, Humax DO NOT make SD freesat set top boxes. The only freesat HDR or high definition recorder comes from Humax and it's full title is;
Humax Foxsat HDR which is simply the Humax Foxsat HD combined with a recorder, so you are able to watch ALL freesat channels and record them too. A new type HDR is expected in the new year from a company called Metronic.
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