HUMAX FOXSAT FREESAT V1.00.10 UPDATE is now in the Humax Foxsat Freesat set top boxes with some improvements which are not so obvious and some problems still with us.
The biggest problem seems to be the lip-sync issue which using one of our TV's showed a distinct time loss with audio and video. To correct this we used a Samsung plasma which had lip-sync features and this worked o.k., we are aware that not everyone has a TV with lip-sync features so we expect Humax will introduce default lip-sync setting in the future which really should cure this.
The Grundig Gufsat, BushBFsat and the GoodmansGFsat do not have lip-sync problems.
Some are having problems with the Humax Foxsat re-setting which we again expect will be sorted in the next Humax Foxsat update.
We think it very important for buyers to consider that as this is a completely new electronic gizmo that it will take time to iron out all the little bugs and cracks.
We still consider the "Set it and Forget it", features of the new Freesat set top boxes as a huge benefit for freesat TV viewers who are after all only looking for a clear picture with good sound and no need to go into the techie side for any reason. Those viewers who are looking for a freesat box to play with or beta test have some way to go yet, although all freesat boxes can still be used for "Set it and Forget it".
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