Y-CONNECTOR FOR FREESAT is an excellent idea and can be implemented in many awkward TV connections.
We have advised this connection before so it is a good time to clarify it's best useage.
Please note; many different types of cable splitter can be bought and in our graphic which you can click on for a clearer view, we have showing two popular types the one on the right is the one we advise.
How to use it is very important as the results will prove if you test it yourself;
we suggest placing the Y-connector in the back of your TELEVISION, not your video and not your booster for example.
When you slot this type into the back of your TELEVISION there is no signal loss;
A scenario;
You have a TV in your bedroom, the distance to the bedroom taking account of all distances etc...the cable run is no longer than 10 mtres, you wish normal terrestrial TV in your bedroom but being on a tight budget you only can afford that few metres of coax plus connectors and Y-connector.
Where your main TV takes in the terrestrial coax from your antenna slot in the Y-connector, put one end from your antenna into the Y-connector branch and in the other branch insert your cable run to your bedroom TV.
The result is ;no signal loss and same quality TV signal as your main TV. Hard to believe but true! Try it yourself.
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