Digital switchover
All care home residents are now to get help switching to digital TV.
There is already a nationwide scheme in place to help millions of older and disabled people with the digital switchover.
To be eligible for the scheme you have to be aged 75 or over, registered blind or partially sighted or eligible for certain disability benefits.
The Government has now extended the scheme to cover people in care homes.
Scottish borders
The Scottish borders will be the next region to switchover next month and arrangements are in place to contact all care homes in the area.
In each region the Switchover Help Scheme chooses a standard digital TV option.
The offer in the ITV Border area is a Sky satellite system and eligible viewers can have one installed for £40, or for free if they also get income benefits.
However, the standard choice for viewers in the West Country area – which is switching in 2010 - is a Freeview set top box.
Digital options
Those in that area unable to receive television through an aerial will be offered the satellite service Freesat instead.
All those who are eligible for the Switchover Help Scheme can also choose from other digital options, but some of these will cost extra.
Story source; Ofcomhttp://www.ofcom.org.uk/media/features/carehomes
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