CELLULAR PHONES CAUSE THROTTLING and as each day passes internet throttling gets worse.
As each day passes another all singing all dancing Cellular Phone has been snapped up which is encouraged in the U.K. by offering "Free Access", whatever that means ? by the mobile company.
The biggest singular cause of Traffic Shaping or Throttling by the ISP's is the outdated network system in the U.K. which as each and every device that can access the internet is causing more and more Traffic Shaping by the different ISP's.
In an ideal world the manufacturers of these devices would pay or contribute to the internet networks as a form of subsidy towards the updating of these national networks which without a shadow of doubt is desperately needing upgraded.
As 2012 heralds some of the most important changes with respect to internet network backbones (BT) we in the U.K. seem destined to suffer Traffic Shaping, Throttling and Capping which will get worse before it gets better. The over zealous Cellular and Mobile market will make sure of that as every man and his dog are buying into.
When your internet surfing seems to be slowing down for no apparent reason and your computer is running O.K. then look at Traffic Shaping which simply put is the NETWORK delaying packets of your info which in turn controls traffic volume.
If you are surfing and you find your computer although running O.K. but your network connection is getting slower then your ISP is limiting your speed.
The stage is set for a real ding-dong of arguments so don't say we didn't tell you in advance about this emotive subject.
Networks are already blaming our future Freesat TV content for overloading the internet, although before the idea proper of iPlayer crumbling networks got the blame, but it seems that BT are covering their back BEFORE iPlayer really takes off, perhaps with a different hat on via Freesat TV.
BT are spending millions updating their network and you can be sure it will be Joe Public who pays for it and more in the long term. With a different tier system sure to be introduced even although we will still get Traffic Shaping, Capping and Throttling it looks likely yet another household bill is being introduced in the long term.
Is it news to you ? then you read it here first!
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