FREESAT TV ANSWERS are inserted especially for Linda after our telephone conversation regarding freesat set top boxes.
I hate having to continually pay the value of a holiday in subscriptions every month can freesat really be free after I buy a box.
Freesat can be free and is free, there maybe some time in the future payment will be expected from you from your ISP if you use the multimedia content expected some time on freesat but again ther will be viewers who for different reasons still will not or cannot pay more than their licence fee(which we all need to keep paying) so free TV looks as if it will be with us for years rather than months.
Can you please explain the different freesat boxes as I am already confused is this another of Sky TV boxes?
Please do not get confused with the facts, BBC and ITV have joined forces to bring us the best of British Television and all for free and Sky TV have no say in this although as you may already know Sky TV have shares in ITV which is still a commercial venture.
The different boxes; Humax Foxsat is the most expensive and is a little bit of a wolf in sheeps clothing as not only is it a "Set it and Forget it" for freesat but for those anoraks who like to continually fiddle there is the facility to use it as a multi-sat if you have are willing to add other equipment and make use of it. We say;
Good quality freesat box with clear HD (high definition) channels, the "Set it and Forget it" feature is really unique to freesat and the Humax Foxsat does it well.
Grundig Gufsat01HD is a true "Set it and Forget it" freesat set top box, the picture from the Grundig is very good in HD (high definition) and also in upscaling even on very old programming.
Bush BFSAT01HD is another freesat box with a crisp clear picture in HD (high definition) and again upscaling is superb.
Goodmans GFSAT200HD yet another stunning picture set top box which showed exceptional pictures on the iTVHD yesterday.
Consider this BEFORE buying a freesat box; ALL freesat equipment before it went on sale had to undergo strict quality control and testing completed by DTG Testing Ltd.
You automatically know you are buying quality which should last.
How many freesat channels are there?
Freesat channels will be added when they become available and at present the rumour mongers are in full swing but you can expect around 200 by the new year. Some channels should be added soon but with 2 or 200 matters little as they are all free with no subscription.
Can freesat be distributed to all my 3 bedrooms easily or will this cost a fortune?
For our answer to this you can either look at the Freesat sky connection in the blog or take on board this;
Freesat boxes Bush, Grundig and Goodmans all have LNB IN and LNB out so in all cases the coax from the satellite dish enters the LNB IN.
In your 3 bedroom house you would need three freesat boxes plus your sitting room box, as the coax goes into the LNB IN coming from your satellite dish to your sitting room you then use the LNB OUT to bedroom one box to the LNB IN and from the bedroom one box you use the LNB OUT to bedroom two and so on. This daisy chain effect can be used with a sky box or another type of satellite box as long as the sky box is last in line as it only has one LNB IN connection.
My friend who lives in a high rise building uses a communal system with one dish on the top of the flats she says she cannot get freesat is this correct?
Freesat can be fitted to a communal arial system as each flat has seperate coax lines and communal set ups are already tuned to 28.2 East the satellite position needed for freesat. It is also possible for your friend to set up a three bedroom flat in the same way as yourself with other freesat boxes or other satellite receivers. Your friend can make 100% sure by removing the screw in plug on the back of her sky box(after the power is off) and screw it into her freesat box, all should work 100%.
How accurate is your information and how can I be sure your correct?
We do not hold a gun to anybody's head but we really do make the effort to try and get things right before we put it on the blog or any of our websites.
We are one of the few teams of webmaster who really care about freesat being a success, at no time will we put in print something we believe is garbage.
I read your blog every day but sometimes I am completely lost with certain terms.
Sorry about this one; we do tend to take for granted many understand everything, it took us some time to "get it" when we kept getting told "Set it and Forget it" was what viewers wanted. Freesat knew this a long time ago why else would we have "Set it and Forget it" freesat boxes.
We have a comprehensive questions and answers page which for those either technically minded or for those wishing to simply learn the "techie speak" can have a read.
We welcome balanced threads to any of our snippets on the blog so if we have the answers we will tell you!
Is it news to you ? then you read it here first!
Can you output via the USB port on the Humax to a Multimedia HDD device
Hello ike 1998,
the USB in your question is at present disabled and it has been suggested will be used for manual updating. This may of course change in the future.
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