HACKING FREESAT is the watch word for today.
Do you fancy a 10 year jail sentence ? This is possible for selling dodgy DVD's so you can imagine what sentence awaits for those foolish enough to circumvent a satellite receiver which has not been granted an official "Freesat License or Logo". It is only a matter of time before the freesat powers that be take action. There is no way TV licence fee payers who have funded the freesat venture will sit back and allow their monies not to return full dividends and those manufacturers who are at present trying to circumvent both ITV HD and the freesat metadata are jeopordizing the future success of the BBC/ITV venture.
New satellite enthusiasts and new viewers are in danger of being wrongly influanced by stories and possibilities of being able to enjoy the full benefits of freesat when in actual fact they will only be able to enjoy full freesat with an officially licensed and logo'd freesat set top box.
The obvious benifit of freesat set top boxes will be the ethernet connection and internet connection where freesat set top box owners will be able to go onto the internet and view the "On Demand" listing incorporated within the iPlayer/Kangaroo project in multimedia.
The possibility of using the freesat metadata on other boxes will fall short when it comes to using the multimedia configuration. In other words; only freesat set top boxes will be able to function with freesat multimedia interactive devices.
Can we say this yet again; only offical freesat boxes will provide full functionality for full freesat benefits for free tv and freesat metadata.
Is it news to you ? then you read it here first!
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