Freesat digital television recorders will be with us very soon so we feel this may be a good time to consider what you want from the freesat DTR.
Looking well ahead to the future the first thing users will want is "easy to use", and unlike the "set it and forget it", with freesat we will need a little bit more effort on the user to read their manuals for DTR's.
The BBC have tested 100 hour downloads into their hard drives which at first seems a lot of space but anybody who has a hard drive will tell you 1000 gbs on a computer is nothing if they have a film or record collection.
The average joe watches around 5 hours of TV a day which equates to 20 days (of non HD television broadcasts) or 20 hours of HD if you go by the BBC testing of 100 hours, this in reality is worse than useless for the purpose needed for the freesat DTR's. We reckon a 500 gb hard drive has got to be a minimum and anything less than 500 gb is going to fill up very quickly. 500 gb will fill up even faster if using HD (high definition) as most folks will want their own library of favourite programmes. 500 gb is only about 130 films, many have over 1000 in their favourite library. What about the music libraries ? get the idea!
We have to remember with these new DTR's there are no copy of the HD content to another disc facility as content management are embeded to control copying and export of content, so all thoughts of using the new DTR's to record and copy HD content is a no go area, you can however do exactly as you do now via the scart connection from the freesat set top boxes.
If the new DTR's are expected to sometime take the new Push-Video then we can expect the first DTR batches NOT to have them on board but may have the facilty to update later so this too highlights the 500 gb as too small also.
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