HEROES BBC AUDIO NARRATION is very, very impressive.
After hearing so much about Heroes, the smash hit series from America we had to have an Audio Narration trial.
The Humax Foxsat audio control on the Humax Foxsat remote works perfectly to change from stereo to this superb audio narration feature.
We started watching in normal stereo ( brilliant sound) and then changed to audio narration, sat back and closed our eyes and we were there in the scenes with the characters the audio narration quality is excellent and there is no doubt in the listeners mind exactly what is going on. There was a part with English subtitles with the parts spoken in Japanese and the audio narration handled the section with no obvious time slips. What a huge difference this will make in many viewers lives and yet again our BBC research and innovation team can take a bow for bringing those who need to feel part of the visual experience a step closer.
One only has to hear the audio narration in action to appreciate the work and effort that has gone into this added set top box unique freesat extra. TV for some will never be the same again.
Thank you BBC for adding this feature into the metadata, those amongst us who are blind and partially sited will be thrilled when proper educational information is released about this excellent metadata feature.
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