If any of these boxes could be faulted it is the postal code settings choice. The less dexterous will have problems.
The argument is there for those unable to use the postal code set up an engineer will set it for them but we feel although this menu is needed to check TV licence holders it is a worthless exercise as anybody wanting a Freesat box will give out false information anyway and simply pay cash in exactly the same way as they do at present for any item that requires personal information.
The postal code setup is simply a way for the box to select the correct television region i.e. If a Welsh postcode is entered then you will receive BBC 1 Wales, BBC 2 W, ITV1 Wales and S4C Digidol. However, this is not yet available for all regions.
Hi! Garrif,
although the reasoning behind the Postal Code set up is sound enough and in time many stores will be informing customers soon that they are not obliged to sell TV equipment of which a digital box comes under that umbrella. So customers who visit stores and pay for their boxes by switch or credit card can expect to be grilled about their home address and also their postal code before purchase. To repeat; cash customers can tell lies. Buying on-line removes the doubt element as credit or switch cards usually match the address for licence checking all in one.
The regional variation is a good idea as some viewers can still remember when National News for example covered all regions
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